After our perilous journey to the The Land of the Dead, where many terrifying spirits dwelled, we returned to Circe for advice. At night, Circe came to Odysseus while everyone was sleeping and took him to her quarters. He spent hours with her, words we tried to hear bbt could not because the walls were thick. He returned to us in the morning and told us about the magnificent creatures, called Sirens. They would tempt us with their voices, but betray us in the end by leading us to our doom. We set off to go home finally, and were approaching the place where the Sirens live. Odysseus came up to Brumuthamus and gave him a big wad of warm, sticky, thick, gooey, melty beeswax. He completely covered his ear, so much that I could not see it any longer. When he came up to me, the beeswax blocked every sound and I was enveloped in a sea of silence. Once all the mens' ears were covered, Brumuthamus tied Odysseus tightly to the mast to make sure he didnt run away with the Sirens when they started to sing their songs. I took my post and started rowing the boat with all my strength. I saw one absolutely beautiful woman laying naked on the rocks. Her eyes pierced my soul, and that alone made me want to be with her. If I had heard her voice, I know, that would have been the end. I would not have been able to resist. Once the Sirens were out of view, all the men took their beeswax off of their ears, and sound flooded our minds once again. Then, the most terrifying moment of our lives occured.
An enormous beast, with six heads and too many legs to count loomed over our heads. Its wriggling tentacles started plucking one man after another off of our strong ship. I watched as m best friends were flung into the air, screaming in terror, and I felt the blood drip on my face, as I continued to row for my life. Many men, gave up rowing to run around the ship, some even threw themselves overboard in some desperate attempt to escape the horrors of Scylla, but they too failed. Because in the sea another monster dwelled, Charybdis a massive whirlpool. Her might could swallow any ship in an instant. By some miracle, me, Brumuthamus and a few other men lived on. Odysseus, somehow not affected by this tragic disaster, wanted to go on sailing towards Ithaca! The nerve of that man! Thankfully, us men convinced him to land on Thrinacia, the island of the sun god, Helios. When we got there, many delicious cattle were roaming about, just trodding on their merry way unaware of the danger they faced when hungry men approach. Odysseus warned us again and again not to eat the cattle, but our stomachs said otherwise. We ate every last cow on that field and let me tell you, it was delicious. Then like a mighty, Helios appeared before, extremely angry that we had taken and eaten all of his cattle. Therefore, Zeus wanting to please him, sunk our ship with a powerful thunderbolt. Me, Brumuthamus and all the men, except the fool, Odysseus, died.
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